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Раскрыть скобки 1. the romans their years from the date of the found¬ing of rome, (number, count, calculate) 2. twelve months a year, (make up, consist of, do) 3. the sun in the east and sets in the west, (raises, lifts, rises) 4. there are 366 days in a .(year, leap year, hour) 5. they the time between sunrise and sunset into 12 hours, (share, divide, confide). 6. we cannot the number of days in a year, (exchange, change)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1count 2 make up 3 rises 4 leap year 5 divide 6 change

1. dont know,

2. want

3. thinks, is driving,

4. understands, eats, forgets,

5. is, is standing, do not recognize, is,

6. have, am having,

7. is leaving to, go , like, stays, returns

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