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Проект по языку 2 класс " на необитаемом острове" нужно написать на что ты можешь и что не можешь сделать на острове. i . i can,.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1i can walk and run here. _я могу гулять и бегать здесь. 2 i can swim here._ я могу плавать здесь. 3 i can sleep here._я могу спать здесь. 1 i can't ride a bike here._я не могу кататься на велосипеде здесь. 2 i can't go shopping here._я не могу сходить в магазин здесь. 3 i can't watch tv here._я не могу смотреть телевизор здесь.

As for me, i would like to be a doctor in a future. because doctors can help to sick people. i think,it is very important profession in our life.also i want to choose this profession because of my mother- she is the doctor too.she is a surgeon. besides people very often need doctor's help. for example, when they have a broken leg -they go to hospital or when somebody has toothache- they go to the dentist.so we might need help of a specialist in any is why i think it is the profession number one in over the world.

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