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Вы получили электронное письмо от друга, приглашающего вас провести рождество в . напишите электронное письмо от 50 80 слов своему другу, в котором вы: его за приглашение извиниться за отказ от приглашения объяснить, почему вы не можете принять приглашение. напишите ваше

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Ответы на вопрос:

Dear penpal, thanks for you last letter! i'm sorry i haven't written so long,but i haven't got any free time. well,in your letter you told me about christmas in england. it is very interesting,i think. thank you so much for the invitation, i really appreciate it,but  i’m afraid i’m not able to come, i’ve got too much on at the moment. but i hope,that i will celebrate this holiday with you next year.so, i have to go now,i have promised my mom to help her with the housework. hope to hear from you soon! yours,penpal.

1. called 2. make a deal 3. get along with 4. get along with 6 were happy

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