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Напишите сочинение о семье ( без переводчика ,так как там не правильно).у меня есть семья , она большая . в семье есть мой брат еще один брат и я , у моей мамы муж александр у моего папы есть бабушка ее зовут женя и дедушка александр у них есть еще дочь яна, у меня есть тётя ксения она сестра моей маме у нее есть дочь соня и брат костя.у моей мамы есть бабушка наташа и дедушка юрий.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ihave a family, it is very big. the family is my brother, another brother and i, my mom's husband alexander my dad is her grandmother's name is jack and grandpa alexander, they still have a daughter yana, i have an aunt ksenia she is the sister of my mom she has a daughter sonya and brother kostya. my mom is the grandmother of natasha and grandpa yuri

Ii have a family, it is very big. in a family there is my brother one more brother and i, my mother has a husband alexanderat my father  the grandmother her name is zhenya and the grandfather alexander at them there is still a daughter yana, i have an aunt ksenia she the sister to my mother at her there are a daughter sonya and the brother kostya. my mother has a grandmother natasha and dedushka yury.

Quarter to five twenty to one half past six three o'clock ten past five twenty-five to three five to ten five pasr twelve twenty-five past eight quarter past seven

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