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Переведите на язык 1) ты читала книги в прошлые каникулы? 2) ты играла в компьютерные игры в прошлые каникулы? 3) ты кормила животных в прошлые каникулы? 4) ты делала работу или гуляла в парке в прошлые каникулы? 5) ты ездила к бабушке или ходила в кино в прошлые каникулы? 6) ты ездила к бабушке в прошлые выходные, не так ли? 7) ты любишь цветы, не так ли? 8) что ты делала в прошлые каникулы?

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1)have you read books in past vacations? 2) did you play computer games in the past holidays? 3) did you feed your pets in the past holidays? 4) did you do homework or walked in the park during the past holidays? 5) did you go to your grandmother or go to the movies in the past holidays? 6) you went to your grandmother last weekend, did not you? 7) you like flowers, do not you? 8) what did you do in the past holidays?

You've read books in past holidays? you played computer games in the past holidays? you had pets in the past holidays? you were doing homework or walking in the park in past holidays? you went to my grandmother or went to the movies last vacation? you went to grandma's last weekend, right? what did you do last vacation? наверно так)

1. they have met 2. she has bought 3. he has watched 4. we have read

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