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Task 4 complete the sentences using the words in bold 27 if you study more, you’ll get better marks. the the marks you get. 28 could you turn on the lights, please? mind would the lights, please? 29 when john left, he didn’t say goodbye to me. without john left me. 30 when i was a child, we had dinner with my grandparents every saturday. have when i was a child, we my grandparents every saturday. 31 it’s a pity the dog ran away. not i wish away. 32 the people at the party were so boring that we left early. such there at the party that we left. 33 the last time i saw patrick was seven years ago. seen i seven years. 34 sheila was late because she forgot to set the alarm clock. remembered if sheila the alarm clock, she wouldn’t have been late. 35 tim looks like his grandfather. takes tim his grandfather. 36 i’m sure james booked the theatre tickets. must james the theatre tickets. 37 it’s possible that we will be given a test tomorrow. might we a test tomorrow. 38 he decided to postpone his visit to the dentist. put he decided the dentist.

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27 the more you study, the better marks you will get.28 would you mind turning on the lights, please? 29 john left without saying goodbye to me.30 when i was a child, we used to have dinner with. my grandparents every saturday.31 i wish the dog had not run away.32 there were such boring people at the party that we left.33 i have not seen patrick for seven years.34 if sheila had remembered to set the alarm clock, she wouldn’t have been late.35 tim takes after his grandfather.36 james must have booked the theatre tickets.37 we might be given a test tomorrow.38 he decided to put off his visit to the dentist.

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