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What do we use after must and mustn't? complete the table wits the vorrect form of the verb . помпгите поже: ): ): ); ) : (: (: (; to wear wearing wear wears i he she uniform it } we mustn'. you they

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После модального глагола  must (mustn't) используется инфинитив без частицы to, то есть в нужно выбрать wear.получаются предложения: we,i,he,she,it,you,they must  wear a uniform. мы (я, он, обязаны носить униформу.we,i,he,she,it,you,they  mustn't  wear earrings. нам (мне, ему, запрещено носить серьги.

1.when you play tennis,you should wach the ball. 2.she shouldn't watch tv so much. 3.it's late.i think we should go home now. 4.i think everybody should learn another language. 5.he shouldn't eat so much

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