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Напишите эти слова на примере этого: is known - passive voice, pr. simple, 3л. ед. ч was to arrive arrived took was trying could not did not see asked leave i am

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-active voice.past simple.ед число

2-active voice.past simple.может быть и ед и мн

3-active voice.past simaple. может быть и ед и мн

4-active voice.past cont.ed

5-active ili passive.past. может быть и ед и мн

6-active.past simp. может быть и ед и мн

7-active.past simple. может быть и ед и мн

8-active.present sipmle. может быть и ед и мн

9-active.present simple i pr cont.ед

















A. Did he wear a hat?

B. What dress that her?

C. Did you wash my T-shirt?

D. Did you buy any trainers?

E. Where clean David's shoes?

F. Were your glasses on the table?

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