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Clever miranda назови главных героев we have got a letterbox in our street. he is very nice and people [pi: pl] (люди) post their letters and postcards into him. every day the postman comes and takes the letters and postcards. near the letterbox there stands a lamp (фонарь). they are very good friends. the lamp shines (светит) in the dark night. he shows the people their way (путь) home and where to post their letters. one night the lamp says to the letterbox: "i think i've caught a cold (простудился). i want to sneeze (чихнуть)." and he sneezes.

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Умница миранда назови главных героев у нас есть почтовый ящик на нашей улице. он мил и люди [pi: pl] (люди) отправляют в него свои письма и открытки. каждый день приходит почтальон и берет письма и открытки. рядом с почтовым ящиком стоит лампа (фонарь). они хорошие друзья. лампа светит (светит) в темную ночь. он показывает людям свой путь (путь) домой и где размещать их письма. однажды ночью фонарь говорит на почтовый ящик: «кажется, я простудился (я простудился), я хочу чихнуть». и он чихает.

Clothing is an important component of modern life. it's hard to imagine how people can live without clothes. to date, there are many different styles of clothing so that people can choose what to wear on different occasions. as for me, there is a good collection of clothes in my wardrobe. there is a pair of school suits, which are of classical style. then i have a few jeans and t-shirts for ordinary days. and finally, i have a couple of bright and beautiful dresses for parties and special occasions. most of all i like to wear simple jeans with matching blouses. i think that this is not only convenient, but also stylish. as for shoes, i like to wear sports shoes or sneakers, but in school i need to wear classic black shoes. i do not like high kabuki, because they are not comfortable. i always try to keep my clothes and shoes clean. i think that clothes can say a lot about people, and can make a strong impression. therefore, if it is neat, the impression will be positive. the choice of clothes also depends on the seasons and weather conditions. in the winter, for example, it is important to have a warm coat and boots. the jacket and rubber boots will be just right in the spring and autumn. however, my favorite time is summer, when everyone can wear light t-shirts and shorts, or sarafans and sandals.

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