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Перевод: to make the bed to tidy the room to wash the dishes to help with the shopping to take the rubbish out to walk the dog o weed the garden to feed his\her pet

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Ответы на вопрос:

Заправлять кровать аккуратная комнаты мыть посуду    с покупками выкинуть мусор гулять с собакой   пропалывать сад кормить питомца

Заправлять кровать в порядок комнатумыть посуду с покупкамивынести мусорвыгуливать собакуo сорняк в садукормить своего питомца

There is no doubt that people of our information-dependent society should be computer-literate. They must understand that computers can greatly influence the quality of life.  

There was a time when only priviliged people had an opportunity to study the basics, called the three R's: reading, writing, and arithmetics.  

Computer literacy is the ability to use computers and related technology efficiently from elementary use to programming and solving of advanced problems.    

As personal computers become commonplace and they become more powerful, the concept of computer literacy is moving beyond basic functionality to more powerful applications under the name of multimedia literacy or new literacies.

Commоnly recognized examples of new literacies include such practices as instant messaging, blogging, maintaining a website, participating in online social networking spaces, podcasting and videocasting, photoshopping images and photo sharing, emailing, taking part in online discussion, etc.

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