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Нужно сделать 4 типа вопроса 1) общий 2) альтернативный 3) специальный 4) разделительный; к предложению: the doctor treat me last week. заранее огромное

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ятак понял ,что там должно быть не treat ,а  treateddid the doctor treat you last week? did the doctor treat you last week or last month? when did the doctor treat you? the doctor treated you last week,didn't he?

My sister liked cola.

My father played football

My mother cooked dinner

My cousin knowed English

My brother played Playstation


My sister didn't cook

My father didn't like alcohol

My mother didn't drive car.

My grandmother didn't know English

My aunt didn't come


Did your mother run?

Did your father drive car?

Did your brother can play PUBG?

Did your uncle play football ?

Did your grandfather know Russian?

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