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Translate the sentences into english. мои родители хотят, чтобы я стал врачом. нина кочет, чтобы сын ee слушался. они не хотели, чтобы он узнал об этом. она не позволяет дочери приходить домой поздно. никто не заставлял его делать это. позвольте мне задать вопрос. я ожидала, что они приедут сегодня. лиз хотела, чтобы майк встретил ee. сергей хотел, чтобы его друзья поняли его. вьi хотите, чтобы я позвонил ей?

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My parents want me to become a doctor. nina wants her son to be heard her they didn't want him to know about it. she does not allow her daughter to come home late. no one forced him to do it. let me ask you a question. i expect they will arrive today. liz wanted mike met ee. sergey wanted his friends to understand him. you want me to call her?

My parents want me to become a doctor. nina wants her son to listen. they did not want him to know about it. she does not allow her daughter to come home late. no one forced him to do so. let me ask you a question. i expected them to come today. liz wanted mike to meet her. sergei wanted his friends to understand him. do you want me to call her?

smoking leads to the development of the three main diseases of fatal: lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and emphysema; coronary disease.on the example of several countries, where smoking has become a mass habit for a long time, it was proven that tobacco is the cause of mortality from lung cancer in 90% of all cases of bronchitis and emphysema in 75% and from heart disease in approximately 25% of all cases.approximately 25% of regular cigarette smokers will die prematurely due to smoking. many of this number could live for 10, 20 or 30 years longer, i.e. in this case the average loss of years of life is significant. died as a consequence of smoking on average lose 10-15 years of his life.in two words, other than the obvious damage to the blood vessels and the respiratory system, it is still and oxygen starvation of all cells, therefore, all human organs.


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