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Перевести текст на я провела свои каникулы хорошо. в первый день я много спалаи мне это нравилось. мы с друзьями ходили в разные места. в кафе и в кино. но больше всего мне понравилась проводить время со своей сестрой викой. мы ходили по магазинам, и по кафе. так же я проводила время с семьёй. мы жарили шашлыки. мы ходили в лес около речки днепр. там красиво. на своих весенних каникулах я не седела дома, не играла в компьютер, а вела активный образ жизни. и на своих каникулах я делала . мне понравились мои каникулы. они были хорошие 110 слов

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Ispent my holidays very good.on the first day i slept a lot.me and my friends walked in the town.we went in the pak and kino.bot i liked very much spent time with my sister vika.with my sister ,we went in the restaurant and markets.also a spent time with my family.we cooked barbeque.we went into the forest near the river dnepr.very beautyful in here.when were spring's holidays ,i didn't sit in the home did not play games and spent active way of life.and i did my homerwork.i liked my holidays.they were very good

Ispent my holidays very well. on the first day, i slept a lot, i liked it. my friends and i went to different places. in the cafe and in the cinema. but most of all i liked to spend time with my sister vika. we went shopping, and a cafe. i also spent time with my family. we fried shish kebabs. we went to the forest near the dnieper river. it's very beautiful there. on my spring break, i did not sit at home, did not play the computer, but led an active lifestyle. and on my vacations i did my homework. i really liked my vacation. they were very good

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