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Перевести с , на . . 1.погода сегодня хуже, чем вчера.сегодня холоднее, и идет дождь. 2.моя комната не такая большая, как комната моей подруги, но она светлее и теплее. 3.какая из книг самая интересная? 4.ноябрь - не такой холодный месяц, как январь. 5.мой отец - занятой человек. 6.крым - одно из самых лучших мест для отдыха. 7.сегодня он чувствует себя намного лучше.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The weather today is worse than yesterday. today it's colder and it's raining ( 1 ) 2. my room is not as big as my friend's room, but it's lighter and warmer 3. which book is the most interesting? 4.november is not such a cold month as january. 5. my father is a busy man. 6.crimea is one of the best places to relax. 7.today he feels much better.

The weather today is worse than yesterday. today it's colder, and it's raining. 2. my room is not as big as my friend's room, but it's lighter and warmer. 3. which book is the most interesting? 4. november is not such a cold month as january.5. my father is a very busy person.6.krym - one of the best places to relax.7.today he feels much better.

I'm worried about pollution.


Я беспокоюсь о загрязнении окружающей среды.

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