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Скласти речення запитальне, заперечувальне, доконаного часу. як це зробити?

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Впростому реченні можливе тільки одне заперечення, тобто одне заперечне слово або частка.  заперечення найчастіше входить до складу присудка:   this book isn't interesting.  he cannot play chess. 

Russia is the biggest country in the world. russia is washed by 12 seas and 3 oceans: the arctic -on the north, the atlantic - to the west and the pacific - in the east. on the territory of the country - more than a thousand rivers and about 2 million lakes, including the caspian sea, the largest lake in the world, lake baikal, the deepest lake in the world with clean water. russia is on the border with 18 countries: norway, finland, estonia, latvia, lithuania, china, mongolia, north korea, japan and the united states and others. the capital of russia-moscow, which is located on the river moskve.chislennost moscow - 12,108,257 million. the most popular and convenient means of transport throughout the territory of the country - railway and air traffic, so throughout the year, most russians prefer to travel by train or plane. in russia, people of different nationalities. of course, most of them russian.

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