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Закончите предложения, поставив глаголы в правильную форму: if i finish my homework, i (go) to the cinema. if tom fails his exam again, his parents (not be) happy. if i ) another cake, i’ll be sick. if they (not come) soon, we won’t catch the train. if you re-use plastic bags, you (help) save the environment. закончите предложения, выбрав правильный вариант: if i don’t / won’t get any homework today, i’ll go / i go to the cinema after school. if i get / will get some money for my birthday, i’m buying / i’ll buy some new computer games. we’ll be / we’re late if we go / will go by bus. we go / we’ll go skiing if it snows / will snow next weekend. if i feel / i’ll feel ill tomorrow, i will / won’t go to school.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) were 2) keep 3)will catch 4) collected 5)would take 6) i have 7) what would you 8) would 9) knew 10) does 11) took care 12) took 13) would stay 14) it is 15) wouldn't be

A: 1.  the  2.  the, the 3. a,  the  4.  the 5.  not the 6.  the, the  7.  the 8.    the  8.  —— 10.  the, the 11.  the, the 12. —, the  13.  the  14.  the, some  15.  the, the, the  16.  —, the 17. an, the  b:   1.  the, the  2.a, a 3.  a  4.  the  5.  a 6.  a, this  7.  a, the  8.  an, the  9.  a, the 10. a  11.  the, the 

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