Перекласти на ійську 1.вони дивилися це фільм вже годину,коли я зайшов до кімнати. 2.ми були в парижі вже 3 дні,коли батько подзвонив. 3.ми очікували листа місяць , коли поштальйон приніс його.

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They watched this film for an hour when i came into the room. 2 we were in paris for 3 days, when dad called. with we expected a letter a month when postillion brought it.

1) in this shop they sell and buy works of art.  2) all these magazines are printed by one company.  3) do you type your private letters or do you write them by hand?   4) i've enjoyed this chocolate cake, though in general i don't really like sweet things.  5) the   quality    of education in this school is fairly high.  6) i have never travelled in a private plane in my whole life.  7) mr. pelkey earns enough money for his family to live comfortably.  8) he pushed the first door on the right and found himself in the living room.  9) the wilsons sold their house and moved to another part of the country.       i'm afraid i don't know their new address. 

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