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Ответить на вопросы: emma is willy’s niece, but she’s not ginny’s niece, even though ginny is willy’s sister and willy isn’t married. how can that be? and how is emma related to ginny? three clocks show three different times. one clock is a little bit fast, one is a little bit slow, and one of them shows the right time. the clocks say 10: 05, 9: 56, and 10: 11. which clock is correct? if five polar bears can eat five fish in three minutes, how many minutes will eighteen polar bears need to eat eighteen fish?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) emma is ginny's  daughter 2)   10.05  - it's five minutes past ten 3)   three  minutes

It's a hard question for me because I think it's pointless to take someone else's role, even for a one day. In my opinion, it may lead to negative consequenses. I can't imagine living with thought that everything has changed for another person due to my curiosity. So, if I could become someone else for a one day, I wouldn't choose someone famous or someone who has a lot of money. Some people would do that just to see what the "real life" is, but I believe that all people already have their own real life, and it's not right to want to be someone else, even for some time. I'd rather leave everything as it is, but if it was really needy for me to make a decision, it would be someone who knows much more than other people. I don't know who it exactly is, but I feel like it would be an old man whose experience and knowledge are needy to discover something new.

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