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Mrs loveday wants to know what these people said. but she can not hear very well. help her and report their words. example : bob: it is dangerous o live here. bob expleined it was dangerous o live here. 1)diana: jane is relaxing now. she is having a hpliday on the coast. 2)frank: the population of the city is growing. 3)mrs crawford: we have done a lot today. 4)steve: i kept a diary three years ago. 5) ms evans: these medicines are well- known. 6)barbara: i bought a new badge yesterday. 7)mary: i worked at the factory last year

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)diana explained jane was relaxing then and she was having a holiday on the coast. 2)frank explained that the population of the city was growing. 3)mrs crawford explained they had done a lot that day. 4)steve explained he had kept a diary three years before. 5) ms evans explained those medicines were well- known. 6)barbara explained that she had bought a new badge the previous day. 7)mary explained that she had worked at the factory the year before.

1) Gets Up (b)

2) Went (a)

3) Will visit (a)

4) Wear (c)

5) Do (b)


1) Present Simple, постоянное действие, мой папа (3 лицо, ед. число) Поэтому gets и на конце доллар. (s)

2) Went, т.к время. (Past Simple)

3) Will visit (Present Future), будущее время с will.

4) Wear (Present Simple), множественное число(ученики, они), поэтому без доллара на конце (s)

5) К you относится "do", а did при времени вообще.

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