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Написать письмо, ответить на вопросы, и задать своих 2 вопроса. : ) 2) you have received a letter from your english-speaking pen friend emma. …i’ve always wanted to have a large dog but my parents are against it. they say that it’s very difficult to keep a big dog in a flat. but they don’t mind if i get some other pet. what pet is ideal for a little flat, in your opinion? what pet do you have or would like to have? how do your parents feel about having a pet? write her a letter, answer her questions. ask 3 questions about her house. write 100-120 words. remember the rules for writing letters.

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Ответы на вопрос:

dear [name],thanks for your letter. it was lovely to hear from you.speaking of pets, i've always wanted to have a dog, too. eventually, my parents decided to agree and bought me a large dog although we also live in a flat. i think you should convince them to buy a dog anyway because not only you will have a pet but also a true friend! my mom used to be angry about the mess my dog caused but she got used to it.

by the way, is your flat really small? if so, you might consider buying a smaller dog anyway. is there enough space for your pet? the good thing is that in case your flat is small,you won't have to do a lot of cleaning. do you usually do the housework?   well, i have to go now. i promised my mom to clean the bathroom.can't wait to hear from you! love,

ваше имя

i get up at half past six in the morning every day, but i am a night owl

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