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Переведите максимально грамотно! 20 . later new rules appeared. people not to lick their but to wipe them on the tablecloth. they were also told not to put their faces in thew food. they ate from plates, and everyone had his own cup. bones were not thrown on the floor, but left on the plate.

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Позже появились новые правила. люди не слизывать их, а стерать их салфеткой.(это предложение я вообще не поняла) им также было сказано не ложить свои лица в пищу. они ели с тарелок, и у каждого была своя чашка. кости не бросали на пол, а оставляли на тарелке.

Hello, my dear friend! i m so glad to write you again. do you want to know what is new here in moscow? it s only semtember but the weather is very windy and gloomy. how about you? has weather chanded lately. best regards, your и твое имя)

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