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Жить в городе удобно. все магазины не далеко. детский сад и школы рядом. но можеи быть шумно, суета машины соседи. жить в деревне это полный контакт с природой. личный дом никаких содей и шума. но по близости может и не быть магазина. детский сад или школа далеко. бывают еще и проблемы с контакиом. в некоторых деревнях не ловит связь. или вче друзья и родственники живут в городе а вы в деревне. жить в деревне или в городе решать вам.- living in the city is very convenient. all the shops are not far away. kindergarten and schools nearby. but mozhei be noisy, bustling neighbors car. living in the countryside is full contact with nature. personal house no assistance and noisy. but there may not be a store nearby. kindergarten or school away. there are also problems with the pin. in some villages it does not catch the connection. or vche friends and relatives live in the city and you in the village. to live in a village or in a city is up to you.

1. If I were you, I would go to the technical college.

2. If the weather is fine, we will walk in the park.

3. If you had done that job, you would have get a lot of money.

4. He slept from 5 till 9 yesterday.

5. I will be bringing you this book by 5 o’clock tomorrow.

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