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Перевода не нужно! само ! speak about the usa. 1. the usa geography • in north america • its neighbours • extend from to • many kinds of land • nearly every kind of weather • the longest river • the higest mountains • a lot of open space 2. the country and its capital • 50 states • some are big and some are small • the capital city • on the banks of the potomac river • doesn't belong to any state • the us government and congress • the largest city • more than 300 million people

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The geography of the usa - сша the usa is the 4th largest country in the world (after russia, canada and china). it is situated in central north america and stretches from the pacific to the atlantic ocean. it borders on canada in the north and mexico in the south and has a sea-border with russia. it also includes alaska and hawaii. the total area of the country is 9,4 million square kilometres. the enormous size of the country influences the diversity of landscape, climate and even people. the usa is a federal republic, a union of 50 states. the capital of the country washington is situated in a special federal area called the district of columbia. the population of the country is about 260 million people. they are the people of all races and nationalities, either descendants of immigrants or immigrants who have come to america from all the countries of the world in search of independence and self-realization. it's impossible to generalize about the weather, the landscape and the way of living because the nation occupies nearly half of a continent, which is divided into 4 time zones and has almost every type of climate. if you look at the map of the usa you'll see snow-topped mountains and flat prairies, fertile valleys and deserts, the areas of tropical heat and arctic cold. one of the most important geographical boundaries in the usa is the 50-centimetre rainfall line, which runs from north to south almost through the middle of the country. east of the line farming, is relatively easy and the population is large. there are man-made irrigation systems, dry farming, grazing and fewer people west of the line. the west is a mountainous area of the rocky mountains, the cordillera and the sierra nevada. the highest peak is mount mckinley in alaska (6,000 metres). as compared with the appalachians in the east, the rocky mountains are sharp and. rugged, over 4,000 metres high, rich in gold, copper, lead, silver and other minerals. the usa has many thousands of streams. some of them are mighty rivers, which flow lazily across the valleys. others rush swiftly down deep canyons and steep gorges. the longest are the mississippi (6,400 kilometres), «the farther of waters»., the missouri (1,600 kilometres) «too thin to plough and too thick to drink», the colorado wild, restless and angry, the columbia full of quiet dignity and the rio grand (3,200 kilometres), a national boundary between the usa and mexico. the colorado forms the grand canyon, which strikes one's imagination as a fabulous phenomenon of nature. its perpendicular walls go up to 1,500 metres above the river level. the usa has thousands of lakes of all kinds and sizes. the great lakes make up the largest group; they are the greatest collection of fresh water lakes in the world with the total area equal to that of great britain,. here the famous niagara falls precipitate from the height of 50 metres. among salty lakes the great salt lake in utah and the salton sea in california are the most famous. they are rich in salt (6,000 million tons).

My school was very different from most schools. it was in a beautiful old house in the forest. there were only sixty students. there were not enough faculties, but there was a good library library so that you could find information or supplement your work if you wanted. you will not believe, but we did not have to go to school!   and there was no homework or tests, or anything like that, we could do what we wanted. if we wanted to learn, we just went to the teachers and asked them to help us. at first i was bored! then i became interested in science and computers, and i studied natural science with a teacher with whom i got along well.  i liked it so much that i now study as an engineer at the university, and i want to continue my research. there were other classes at school that you could use if you wanted to - it's sports, painting and acting. the best thing was that we were free, and the school was democratic.  everything was decided at school meetings, and everyone could vote - each student had the same voice as a teacher. we solved all kinds of questions - we even chose a teacher! many people do not believe me, but it worked very well.

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