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Исправить ошибки в следующих предложениях 1) russell crowe born in new zealand. 2) she hasn't be seen for a while. 3) that wedding dress will be wore by scarlett johansson in her next film. 4) the part will played by drew barrymore. 5) the difficult stunts will do by a professional. 6) the play was a write by a young writer.

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1) russell crowe was born in new zealand.2) she hasn't been seen for a while.3) that wedding dress will be worn by scarlett johansson in her next film.  4) the part will be played by drew barrymore.5) the difficult stunts will be done by a professional.6) the play was   written by a young writer.

1) russell crowe was born in new zealand. 2) she wasn't seen for a while. 3) that wedding dress will be wearing by scaelett johansson in her next film. 4) the part will be played by drew barrymore. 5) the difficult stunts will be doing by a professional. 6) the play was written by a young writer.

//твой город// russia  31.05.17 //это должно быть справа//         dear tom,               thanks a lot for your letter. i was happy to hear from you. sorry me, i have not answered yet. i had education problems.               i think that having favourite cd is very enjoyable! in your letter you asked me about my cd. well, my faviurite cd is 'cheburashka'. from my part, i love it because it has a lot of nice songs by my favourite group 'gena and co'. it is rock musik. in my opinion, these songs are very unusual.               sorry me, i have to go. i need to do my homework.               please, write back,               best wishes,               //имя без точки// жирное-это то, что должно быть. может быть переформулированно, но должно быть. возможны описки, но они глупые и ты их заметишь. письмо составлено по правилам написания письма огэ 2017 по языку. не забудь: имя в конце без точки

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