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Впредложение вставить пропуски 1.i had before 2. by the he had 3. i had 4.the movie by the time 5. i prior to that time, i 6. wwhen someone else had 7. that, i had

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1.i had never felt so embarrassed  before i entered my new place of work.  2. by the time it was twelve, he had already finished his homework.3. my uncle gave me money after i had already bought the suit.4.the movie had started by the time we arrived to the cinema.5.in the teenage years, i was listening only to rock music. prior to that time, i had been listening to classic music.6. when i graduated the university, someone else had already had kids and got married.7. last night, i swam in the ocean.before that, i had never done that.

Mask/over/was/thief/the/a/his/wearing/face? 2. the/of the book/this term/first/cover/units/we’re/four/going to. 3. only in winter/that/of country/ lives/in this part/bird. 4. the use of/ in english/tenses/this/ are/week/we/reviewing. 5. to understand/was//me/for/very/the last/difficult/lesson.

Напишите ответ на своё  письмо друзей по переписке. ответьте на его/ее вопросы. количество слов в вас письмо должно быть 100-120.в последнее время я действительно заинтересовал современной поэзией. я обнаружил для меня поэзию филиппа ларкина, который рекомендовался мне библиотекарем в нашей школьной библиотеке. он довольно молод, но он знает партию о . вы пользуетесь какими-либо библиотеками? вы находите их полезными? какие книги вы обычно читаете?

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