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i always admire the people who can dance. many years ago i chose dancing as my main hobby. and now it is my real passion, i can’t imagine my life without it.

i have been dancing since i was 7. i have tried a lot of dance styles: folk dance, elegant ballroom dance, ballet dance and even lively hip-hop and break-dance. i was really fond of slow waltz, tango, rumba, salsa and cha-cha-cha. i liked that all latin dances were hot and optimistic. and i’m sure everyone knows that ballroom costumes are fabulous and you look marvelous in them. it goes without saying that quite a lot depends on your partner. as for my partner, he was great. our couple participated in different dance contests and concerts which gave us lots of pleasant memories and positive experience.

now i am keen on jazz dances. this style is widely used in broadway shows and musical comedies such as “chicago” and “cabaret”. and it has become very popular in our country in recent years. i attend my dance classes 3 times a week. my choreographer is a skilled and talented person. the art of dancing inspires me. i feel very confident and happy after the classes. they give me an ocean of emotions, confident bearing, grace, co-ordination and balance. i enjoy jazz because i find the body movements very beautiful and rhythmic. i can express my feelings with the help of them. jazz dancing is like original non-verbal communication for me. besides, it requires much energy,  effort and flexibility. it isn’t an easy style to dance and you should work hard to master it. sometimes our group takes part in jazz sessions or dance battles. it’s so much fun and excitement.

when i feel sad i just start dancing and improvising. it helps me feel better immediately because every movement and leap, every step and turn makes the world around me brighter. when i dance i forget about everything. so my hobby is my medicine too. and it keeps me physically fit.

Новруз байрам (праздник новруз)

Новруз байрам - это национальный, а также можно сказать государственный, потаму что этот праздник отмечает вся страна. Люди начинают украшать подносы, ставят туда национальные сладости: пахлава социируется с звездой, шекербура с луной(полумесять), когал с солнцем, а также украшают я йца. Когда наступает ночь все собирают дровы и разжигают костры.Обязательно нужно прыгнуть через костёр три раза, но некоторые у дверей ставят шапки чтобы туда положили конфеты. Ночь становится похож на яркий и даже волшебным когда на каждом улочке, у каждого дверя горят огни. Все люди собираются у костра и говоря т о чем нибудь.

В общем этот праздник похож на пасху.

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