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How long does it usually take you to do your homework? which subject takes the longest? do you think it’s necessary to plan one’s day or not, and why? ответьте на вопросы, .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)usually i do my homework two hours. обычно я делаю свою работу 2 часа. (или любое число, сколько делаешь часов) 2) the longest i am doing the (и вставь название предмета), к примеру english language ( язык)3)i thing, that the plan for your  day is need. it helps not to foget all your tasks and save time. я считаю, что планировать свой день нужно. это не забыть все свои дела и время.

About an hour. i think, it's english, because i use internet to do it. i think it's necessary, because i always forget things that are unplanned.

Ifinally got around to picking up a few new books and as soon as i started reading( reading -герундий,present gerund active)them, i struggled. i would read a whole paragraph with my mind elsewhere or had this constant anxious feeling to do ( to do-инфинитив,present infinitive active) something else, even when there was absolutely nothing else to do. the way we are reading (present participle active)things is just the start the way we are thinking is changing too.

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