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Match a and b to make up definitions. a a fable a fairy tale a legend a detective story an adventure story b a story about an unusual , exciting or dangerous experience. a story in which there is usually a murder and a detective is trying to find the murderer. a short story that teaches a lesson in which animals or objects speak. a story about fairies and other magical people which always ends happily. a story from the past that may or may not be true.

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Adetective story   a story in which there is usually a murder and a detective is trying to find the murderer.a fairy tale is  a story about fairies and other magical people which always ends happily.a legend is  a story from the past that may or may not be true.an adventure story is  a story about an unusual , exciting or dangerous experiencea fable is  a short story that teaches a lesson in which animals or objects speak.

An adventure story is an exiciting story about a hero who goes on an unusual journery and does new and dangerous things. приключение - это реальная про героя, который отправляется в необычное путешествие и делает новые и опасные вещи. 2. a fantasy (можно еще по-другому сказать science fiction) story is about events that take place in the future or in space and usualy describes strange creaturs and robots. фантастика -   это про события, которые происходят в будущем или в космосе, и описывает странные создания или роботов. 3. a tragedy is a serious and emotional play, written for the theatre, television or radio.трагедия - это серьезная и эмоциональная постановка, которая написана для театра, телевидения или радио. 4. a detective is story about a crime or a strange event that is difficult to explain. детектив - это про преступление или о загадочном событии, которое трудно объяснить. 5. a comedy is a funny story with a happy ending. комедия - это забавная с счастливым концом. 6. a biography is the story of a person`s life written by another person. биография - это   о каком-то человеке, написанная другим человеком.

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