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Измените предложения из активного в пассивный she translated this text last time. the pacific ocean washes the territory of russia in the east. the students saw this english film. a federal court of appeals serves each judicial circuit. the president recommends much of the legislation to the congress

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4,6(79 оценок)

This text was tas translated by herself previous time. the territory of russia is washed by the pacific ocean in the east. this english film was seen by the student. each judicial circuit is served by a federal court of appeals. much of the legistion was recommended by the president to the congress.
4,6(9 оценок)

Треугольник abc равнобедренный значит ac=cb=12 дальше через теорему пифагора ab^2=12^2+12^2=корень из  288 ab=16.9

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