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Составь предложения и произнеси их. пример he cleans his teeth. he cleans , goes, has, drinks, does, gets, milk. his theeth. home. a bath. up. his homework.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) he cleens his teeth. 2) he goes home. 3) he has a bath. 4) he drinks milk. 5) he does his homework. 6) he gets up.

1. We go to school by bus.

2. He flies to London by plane.

3. They can go to Astana by train.

4.I like riding a bike.

Answer the questions.

1. Can you ride a bike? Yes,I can

2. Do you go to school by bus? No,I don't

3. What kinds of transports do you know? I know transports such as train,plane,car,bike,motorbike,helicopter,bus,trolley

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