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Раскройте скобки используя objective infinitive construction. пример: i want (you, go) there. – i want you to go there. 1. she saw (he, fall) and shouted. 2. the students heard (the bell, ring). 3. i don’t consider (she, be) a good manager. 4. the travellers found (they, be) very friendly. 5. we expect (you, show) good results.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she saw him fall and shouted.2. the students heard the bell ringing.  3. i don’t consider her to  be a good manager.4. the travellers found them to  be very friendly.  5. we expect you to show good results.

1a work b opportunity c suspense d entertainment 2 a value b rich c notable d expensive 3 a borrow b lend c follow d know 4 a enjoy b enjoyable c enjoyed d joyful 5 a amusing b keen c popular d impressive 6 a inspire b include c imagine d make 7 a imaginary b imagination c amusement d honour 8 a suspenseful b interest c captivated d thriller 9 a film b fiction c fictitious d production 10 a place b know c information d description

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