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  человек создан для счастья, как птица для полета» очерк «парадокс»- это произведение, над которым можно долго размышлять, философствовать и увлечься до такой степени, что попытаться узнать, для чего создан человек…  а, правда, для чего? чтобы действовать, бороться, совершать открытия… подвиги, покорять вершины ради спокойствия и благополучия близких … тогда человек должен смело бросаться навстречу неприятностям, взвешенно подходить к решению самых запутанных вопросов. а если понадобится, то, сжав волю в кулак и превозмогая боль, добиться желаемого успеха не ради себя, а для других. всё это, возможно, и есть счастье? …
4,4(22 оценок)

my dream is to find a good job. every day in the morning i wake up with this thought and start calling friends, looking for information about working in the latest newspapers and browsing files on the internet. by noon, i understand that there is good work. the only question is whether they will take me to this good job or not. in truth, i am a specialist in organizing banquets, parties, weddings and funerals. no doubt every large company needs such a specialist, doesn’t it? after all, someone is celebrating his birthday, marries, or has children. and who will organize all this? so, it seems to me that a good place is already in my pocket.

at three o’clock in the afternoon i usually have lunch, and at lunch i always dream that somewhere i will definitely have a good job. i have even been interviewed several times. it happens like this:


- what is your name?

- how old are you?


- are you married?


- children?

- not.

- where did you study?

- i haven’t studied anywhere, but you know, i’m a very good specialist, i make wonderful banquets

- what foreign languages do you know?

- unfortunately, i do not know foreign languages.

- what is your last job?

- actually, i never had a job. i had banquets when my friends asked me to. but you know, i read a lot almost every day, two or three articles in the newspaper, especially about the killings.

- thank you, we will think, and leave your phone number, we will call you.

i usually wait two to three weeks for a call. then i start looking for a new job oh, i just remembered. even my older sister does not believe that i will ever find a place. she calls me once a week and asks:

- any news on the job?

“no,” i say.

“maybe you should go work as a doorman or, for example, a postman? ”

“this is impossible,” i say, “i have talent. i have the best banquets.

“but you already sold almost all the books from the parents' library and the statue with goldfish from the pool.”

“yes, but who needed her? ” in addition, i did not touch a single picture in the living room. so i still have time to think.

“think soon,” the sister says. “i always forgive you all and try not to be angry with you.” but in my opinion, this will not work. you should seriously think about your future, and at least get married, finally

marry? to get married yes, i had such an idea four years ago when i met the woman of my dreams. then i played golf, and she played with me. i looked at her all the time, but she did not notice it. then i began to call her almost every day, but i did not speak with her, but was silent and listened to her voice. sometimes i asked my friends to call her and ask someone else. so i checked if she was at home. it seemed to me that it was funny, but it didn’t seem so. she understood that i was calling her, and one day she told me about it. and i said that it was not me, and began to call again. at one point, it even seemed to me that she liked me, and she wants me to invite her somewhere. but i did not invite her anywhere, and she lost interest in me. since then, i have not fallen in love with anyone else.

no, now is not the time to fall in love. now you need to look for work. i'm such a good banquet specialist. and i will never believe that my talent will not help me in my life.

4,4(69 оценок)


1. корова.

2. не могу определить (плохо видно)

3. носорог

отвечают на вопрос кто?


1. если стоит вот такое значок ', то значит нужно убрать букву.

сколько таких значков, столько букв и надо убрать.

слово якорь. вначале и в конце стоит '. а значит 'якорь' = кор (так как перед я стоит апостроф (') и после ь) + сова =' сова = ова

кор+ова= корова.

и так далее.

надеюсь понятно объяснила.

удачи! )

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