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1the tornado some houses in town last week a) has destroyed b) destroyed c) has been destroying 2 peter has published his third novel. a)yet b)for c)just 3 have you ever to australia? a)go b)gone c)been 4 trevor has climbed a mountain. a)ever b)never c)yet 5 if their team better, they would have won the game a)had played b)will played c)would play 6 they haven't been abroad years a)yet b)for c)since 7 martha .. as a volunteer since 2010. a)has been working b)was working c)worked 8 molly to cameroon last year a)has travelled b) was travelling c)travelled 9 i wish i enough money to go on holiday next month a)had b)had had c)have 10 last weekend, we around the campfires and sang songs. a)sat b)have sat c)were sitting 11 tony couldn't walk because he has arm a)has twisted b)had twisted c)have twisted 12 jack isn't here. he skateboarding. a) has gone b)has been going c)has been 13 laura .. in pakistan since 2008. a)was living b) lived c) 14 i wish it so much yesterday a)didn't rain b)hadn't rained c) hasn't rained 15 if i the lottery, i would money to charity a) had won b) won

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Ответы на вопрос:

1b) destroyed 2 c)just3 c)been 4 b)never 5 a)had played 6 b)for 7 a)has been working 8 c)travelled9 a)had 10 a)sat 11 b)had twisted 12 a) has gone 13 c) has lived14 b)hadn't rained 15 b) won

1. there are no people in that room. 2. who has a watch now? 3. i have no dictionary at the moment. 4. my mother will be here in two hours. 5. john was in moscow in 1990. 6. they were at home yesterday. 7. his brother has three children. 8. yesterday we had breakfast at 9. 10. there is no flat.

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