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Поставьте глагол в past simple или past continuous. 1) what you (to do) when your sister (to come) home yesterday? 2) when an old man (to dig) in the garden, he (to find) three old coins. 3) – it (to snow) yesterday? – strange enough for the time of the year, but it (to rain) from 2 till 6 yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) what were you doing when your sister came home yesterday? 2) when an old man was digging in the garden,he found three old coins. 3)  did it snow yesterday? – strange enough for the time of the year, but it was raining from 2 till 6 yesterday.

1.. what were you doing when your sister came home yesterday. 2. when an old man dig in the garden he found three old coins. 3.did it snow yesterday? -strange enough for the time of the year, but it was raining from 2 till 6 yesterday

b) Great Britan.

b) fortress.

b) Hyde park.

a) Buckingham palace.

b) Thames.

b) museum.

a) bell.

a) 1894.

b) wheel.

c) Tate modern.

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