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Заполните предложения с правильными формами глаголов в скобках: 1)this cd is great. i (never hear) of the doors before you gave it to me. 2)i'd like to borrow a different book. i (read) this one. 3)this time last week i (cycle) along the river rhine near koblenz.4) i left when i (see) who was there. i didn't want to see them again. 5) i (shop) all day and i (still not buy) any christmas presents. 6) where have you been all morning? i (read) .it's a great book. i (read) 250 pages so far. 7) dan's a good student but he (always make) silly mistakes in his work.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1never heard 2 read 3 cycled 4 saw 5 shopped,still not bought 6 read,read 7 always makes 

1. my parents always support me in difficul situations.   -   мои родители всегда/постоянно поддерживают меня в трудных ситуациях.2. happiness - is when you have a large, friendly, caring and loving family. - счастье, это когда у тебя есть большая, дружная, заботливая и любящая семья.3. happy is the one who is happy at home. - счастлив тот, кто счастлив у себя дома.4. in my family there are conflicts, but we always resolve them without quarelling and collectively. - в моей семье бвают конфликты, но мы всегда решаем их без ссорв и коллективно.5. пойдёт за вывод - fortunately, i was lucky with my family. - к счастью, мне повезло с моей семьёй < 3    

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