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Сочинение по на тему как ты смотришь на то что подростки работают в субботу ? , нужно

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The curriculum includes a certain number of hours to study subjects. for example, 24 hours per week. you can learn 5 days-5 lessons – 6 days and 4 lessons. apparently, for 5 lessons, the students get tired, and so they were transferred to 6-days a week. when i was in high school, on saturday conducted the lessons for the laggards. and the standouts on saturday were a legal holiday. maybe now the case.

1. the new system of the british civil service was established in 1854. 

2. civil service have a very high reputation.

3.  the principle of selection on merit by fair and open competition.


4. the civil service commission  controls entry to the civel cervice.

5.  to become a civil servant it is necessary to pass tests, designed to measure their competence and suitability.


6.  civil cervants responsible to the minister in whose department they work.

7.  civil servants are servants of the crown.

8.  there are nearly 570,000 civil servants in britain.





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