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Заповніть пропуски, використовуючи наведені слова rarely, suffer, nervous, guilt, upset, lacking, assumed, decision, anxiety, relies, weakness, annoying, reserved, umbrage. 1. she had started to …, so the humane thing to do was to put her to sleep. 2. she was apparently a very … woman, and that affected her career. 3. he seemed to be a very … person. 4. he was conscious of his … . 5. mr. smith has been … as a partner in the edinburgh branch of the bank. 6. we made the … to accept their offer 7. the windows are … or never opened. 8. the town … on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs. 9. he is … in common sense. 10. the box of chocolate has always been her … . 11. it is … to read nothing but bad news 12. she was … to learn of their attitude. 13. his warm words relieved her … . 14. they felt … that nobody paid attention to their request.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1suffer 2 nervous 3reserved 4 guilt 5   assumed6  decision7  rarely8 relies  9  lacking10  weakness 11  annoying12  upset13  anxiety14 umbrage

1. to make

2 composed

3 prevented

4 to relive

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