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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 eating chilli peppers makes me(sweat) 2 you should(shake the bottle before(open it. 3 i'm thinking about(become) a vegetarian. 4 i'm tired of(cook) do you fancy(eat out? 5 would you like(help) me(peel these potatoes? 6 why do you keep(drink coffee when you know you can't(sleep afterwards? 7 he decided(go on a diet he's already managed dose) a few kilos. 8 the blackcurrant juice is on special offer this week. it's дз worth(buy a few extra cartons. 9 do you feel like(get a takeaway pizza tonight? 10 dad's a very nervous cook. he doesn't let anyone(watch) him in the kitchen. 11 i was in a hurry, so she offered make) me a packed lunch. 12 she seems(relax) by(eat junk food in front of the tv

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.sweat 2.shake 3.opening 4.cooking 5.eating out 6.to help 7.peel 8.drinking 9.sleep 10.to go 11.managed to dose 12.buying 13.getting 14.watch 15.make 16.to relax 17.eating


1. They asked why did [i/he/she] so keen

2. Dad said did my homework

3. He told her her new haircut

4. My new neighbout asked Had I move

5. Could she use my digital camera Paula asced me

6. Travel agent said I had never seen

7. My granny says All modern teenagers were techno freaks

8. I asked her what was her name

9. City authorities said they could stop

10. Teacher said Stop writing and finished out tests

11.  She said She had found

12. Peter asked Polly Was she doing

13. Marry said I would


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