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63. раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из времен: present simple, past simple, present continuous, past continuous. 1 you (to know) him? he always (to tell) a lie. 2. what he (to do) here? he (to wait) for his friend. 3. when i (to come) yesterday, i (to see) that my brother (to do) his lesson. 4. where (to be) nick? he (to play) tennis. he (to play) tennis well. 5. my wife (to be) in her room now. she (to sit) it the armchair and (to read) an interesting book. i (to want) to read this book, too. 6 where she (to be) yesterday? she (to visit) her friend. the (to play) chees the whole evening. 7. what they (to do) the whole day last sunday? they (to spend) the whole day in the counry. перевод ненужнен - кину жалобу, и писать "щас напишу" тоже не надо. напишите только правильно, .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) do you know him? he always tells a lie 2)what is he doing here? he is waiting for his friend 3)came,saw,was doing 4)where is nick? is playing,plays 5)is,is sitting is reading, am waiting 6)was she,visited, were playing 7)were doing, spent

have you got (some/any) time free on wednesday afternoon? у тебя есть свободное время в среду днем?


(some/any) of laura’s friends were at the party yesterday. несколько друзей лауры были на вечеринке вчера.


i had three sets of house keys,  and i don’t see (some/any)  of them. у меня было три набора ключей от дома, но я не вижу ни одного из них.


do you know if (some/any) of the morrises are coming on sunday? ты знаешь, кто-нибудь из моррисов   придет в воскресенье?


can i get you (some/any) coffee? могу я предложить тебе немного кофе?


if there’s (some/any) soup left,  put it in the fridge, please.если там есть немного супа (осталось), убери его в холодильник, .

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