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Iv. translate into english. 1. мой сын в больнице. он лежит (находится) там уже десять дней. 2. наша двоюродная сестра нечасто нас навещает. в этом году она была у нас всего два раза. но наша тётя довольно часто приезжает повидать нашу маму, и даже сейчас она гостит у нас (to stay with somebody). 3. почему ты такой усталый? – я бегал трусцой (to jog). я обежал вокруг дома десять раз. я бегаю каждое утро. 4. сейчас мы пишем тест по языку. мы пишем его уже час. я сделал два и сейчас делаю третье. мы пишем тесты каждую неделю. 5. как давно вы знакомы с борисом? – мы знаем друг друга с детства. 6. у меня эта шляпа уже пять лет. – правда? а я никогда не ношу шляпу так долго. что ты делаешь? – пишу сочинение. – разве ты ещё не закончил? ты пишешь уже три часа! 7. где анна? – она работает в саду. она там с самого утра. – что она делает? – сажает деревья. она уже посадила десять деревьев. 8. я работаю над новым романом. я пишу десять страниц в день. сегодня я уже написал шесть страниц. 9. почему ты такой мокрый? – я купал (to bathe) ребёнка. – ты часто его купаешь? – нет, сегодня я искупал его в первый раз.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. my son is in the hospital. he has been there for ten days. 2. our cousin does not often visit us. this year it was only two times. but our aunt quite often comes to see our mother, and even now she is staying with us (to stay with somebody). 3. why are you so tired? - i jogged (to jog). i ran around the house ten times. i run every morning. 4. now we write a test in english. we have been writing it for an hour. i did two tasks and now i'm doing the third one. we write tests every week. 5. how long have you known boris? - we know each other from childhood. 6. i have this hat for five years. - true? and i never wear a hat for so long. what are you doing? - i'm writing an essay. "have not you finished yet? " you've been writing for three hours already! 7. where is anna? "she works in the garden." she's been there since the morning. - what is she doing? - planting trees. she has already planted ten trees. 8. i'm working on a new novel. i write ten pages a day. today i have already written six pages. 9. why are you so wet? - i bathe (to bathe) the child. "do you often bathe? " - no, today i bathed it for the first time.

1) bill gates was born in seattle in 1955. 2) i haven’t seen ann for a few days. i last saw her on wednesday. 3) the price of electricity is going up in january. 4) i’ve been invited to the wedding on 14 february. 5) hurry up! we’ve got to go in five minutes. 6) i’m busy just now but i’ll be with you in a moment. 7) jenny’s brother is an engineer, but he is out of work at the moment. 8) there are usually a lot of parties on christmas. 9) i hope the weather will be nice at the weekend. 10) on saturday night i went to bed at 11 p.m. 11) i don’t like travelling at night. 12) we travelled overnight to paris and arrived at 5 o’clock in the morning. 13) the course begins on 7 january and ends sometime in april.14) my brother came home __ last christmas.15) it was quite a short book and easy to read. i read it in a day.16) i might not be at home on tuesday morning but i’ll probably be there in the afternoon.17) my car is being repaired in the garage. it will be ready in two hours. 18) the group set off __ yesterday morning. 19) the telephone and the bell rang at the same time. 20) i’m pretty busy __ this week. i’m afraid i can’t see you on friday.

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