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I. put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. mary (to learn) french at the university. she (to learn) english since last autumn. 2. they (to be) busy now. they (to discuss) an important question. they (to discuss) it since five o'clock. 3. where (to be) john? – he (to work) in the library. – he (to work) long? – yes, he (to work) since morning. 4. why your hands (to be) dirty? – i (to work) in the garden. 5. mr. bradley (to teach) german. he (to teach) german for fifteen years. 6. i (to know) jack well. – since when you (to know) him? – i (to know) him since 2001. 7. whom you (to wait) for? – i (to wait) for my friend. – you (to wait) long? – yes, i (to wait) for him for about half an hour. we (to meet) here every day and i always (to wait) for him. 8. what you (to translate)? – i (to translate) an english article. – how long you (to translate) it? – i (to translate) it for an hour. usually i (to translate) eight or ten articles a week. - how many articles you (to translate) this week? – i (to translate) seven articles and now i (to finish) the eighth. 9. my brother (to live) in london. he (to live) there since 2010. – you ever (to be) to london? – no, i never (to be) there. 10. why your face (to be) red? i (to bake) pies. – how many pies you (to bake)? i (to bake) three pies, and now i (to bake) the fourth.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. mary   learns french at the university. she has been learning english since last autumn.2. they are busy now. they are discussing an important question. they have been discussing it since five o'clock.3. where is john? – he is working in the library. –   has he been working long? – yes, he has been working since morning.4. why are your hands dirty? – i have been working in the garden.5. mr. bradley teaches german. he has been teaching german for fifteen years.6.i know jack well. – since when have you known him? – i have known him since 2001.7. whom are you waiting for? – i am waiting for my friend. – have you been waiting long? – yes, i have been waiting for him for about half an hour. we meet here every day and i am always waiting for him.8. what are you translating? – i am translating an english article. – how long have you been translating it? – i have been translating it for an hour. usually i translate eight or ten articles a week. - how many articles have you translated this week? – i have translated seven articles and now i am finishing the eighth. 9. my brother lives in london. he has been living there since 2010. – have you ever been to london? – no, i have never been there. 10. why is your face red? i have been baking pies. – how many pies have you baked? i have baked three pies, and now i am baking the fourth.

1's going to 2 'll 3 's going to 4 'll

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