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Lately computers have entered our lives. now they are almost in each family. we have got used to them and we don't imagine our leisure without this miracle-machine. with the help of computers the internet has entered our life. it became an integral part of life of each person. now people cannot live without checking of mail or their page in social network. the internet is great assistant in the field of communication. one positive aspect of internet communication is that people can practise foreign languages which are so actual nowadays by chatting to friends in other countries this is also a good way keeping in touch with friends and family around the word. technological age have made our communication much easier and faster. we can use networks immediately when we need it.the most popular sites for communication are viber, vk, fasebook and others. in my opinion there are more advantages then disadvantages of modern type of being in touch with our surroundings. but also i'd like to mention that we shouldn't forget about face-to-face communication which develop loads of our skills.

1. I (was) very careful not to hint or remind her in any way of what she (had told) me.2. There (was) a curious expression on his face I had never (seen) before. 3. Almost opposite (was) that gallery where she had first (met) him and John. 4. He (was) a teacher at the University, as his father (had been) before him. 5. There (was) silence after she (had gone). 6. And then, turning the corner of the path Old Jolyon (saw) Irene exactly where he (had seen) her the first time, on the log. 7. And, paying for what he (had not eaten), he (went) out, passing two acquaintances without sign of recognition. 8. Very deliberately and carefully Poirot (retold) the conversation he (had held) with Saitrana at Wessex House. 9. She (greeted) Poirot whom she (had met) before at a literary dinner in an agreeable bass voice. 10. There (was) something vaguely familiar about her face but I couldn’t remember where I (had seen) her before. 11. He (steped) forward and there (appeared) in his voice a quality of strength that his sister had never (heard) before. 12. When Val (had left) them, Soames and Winifred (made) their way to the Cheshire Cheese. 13. When an hour (had passed) she (heard) somebody’s feet coming down the street. 14. About twenty people had already (arrived) when they (entered) the hall. 15. But he (had not gone) forty yards in the direction of Piccadilly when Holly’s shy face (came) up before him.

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