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№4. переведите предложения на язык, обращая внимание на употребление used to и past simple. 1. i used to skate in winter when i was young. 2. yesterday we drank coffee with milk. 3. we used to talk every evening, but now he is too busy. 4. i finished reading this book last months. 5. he used to reread his notes every week, but then gave up this habit. 6. we ate too much yesterday. 7. jack used to oversleep. 8. i took a taxi to work last morning. 9. our family used to have dinner together. 10. he called me “fatty” and i took offense. 11. my sister-in-law used to be fat, but now she’s as slender as a model. 12. maggie used to be extremely naughty, but yesterday she was unbelievably quiet.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. я катался на скейте зимой, когда был молод. 2. вчера мы пили кофе с молоком. 3. обычно мы разговаривали каждый вечер, но сейчас он слишком занят. 4. я закончил читать эту книгу месяц назад. 5. он перечитывал свои заметки раз в неделю, но потом он бросил эту привычку. 6. мы вчера слишком много поели. 7. джек проспал. 8. прошлым утром я взял такси на работу. 9. наша семья всегда ужинает вместе. 10. он назвал меня полненькой и я обиделась. 11. моя невеста была полной, но сейчас она стройная, как модель. 12. мэгги часто капризничает, но вчера она была невероятно тихой.


hi dear yen. i recently went to london and i really liked it there. since my trip was about work on the transport of new cars, i was not there for long. but i managed to notice that it is very beautiful there, good weather, many public places and buildings. there are a lot of snack shops. and notice there are very tasty croissants. i was there only two days. since one day was devoted to negotiations, the second i had a wonderful time. we went to madame tussads museum, which i have long wanted to visit. the museum is full of interesting things worth seeing. you know my dream is to get a tower in big ben. and i did it. tourists can get inside only during the summer parliamentary holidays. i was lucky because there were a lot of people who wanted to get there.

and the people there are so kind and hospitable. in the evening, when it was 5 hours before leaving for the airport, i took the subway to oxfort street and i almost got lost in the crowd, because there were a lot of people. there were a lot of tourists from france and italy, i was friends, take off, and for almost three hours we walked and examined the street. we had a snack and took coffee with us. so quickly and quietly 3 hours passed. and you know that the most amazing thing is that they were also businessmen whom i met but never wondered what they were doing. in general, i liked this trip and i am sure that i want to return to london again. and i promise i'll take you with me. see you in france.


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