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Complete the sentences using participle i or participle ii. 1. when i came to the doctor there were a lot of people waiting/waited in the hall. 2. orange juice drinking/drunk by people all over the world is good for health. 3. people doing/done morning exercises feel energetic all day long. 4. tennis competition holding/held at wimbledon is an im portant international sports event. 5. on weekends you can see many people riding/ridden bikes in the parks. 6. the children swimming/swum in the sea have a lot of fun. 7. the boy picking/picked apples in the garden is my brother. 8. the book writlng/wrtten by a famous sportsman is very interesting. 9. the hot chocolate making/made by my mother was tasty.

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1. waiting 2. drunk 3. doing 4. held 5. riding 6. swimming 7. picking 8. written 9. made

My brother is cleaning the floor in the living room

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