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Rewrite the sentences using reported speech. переписать предложения, используя косвенную речь 1. "it's so chilly this evening," jill said. 2. "let's meet at the train station at 7: 00," diana said 3."we're going away on holiday next week," sue said 4. "anthony was tate this morning," tom said. 5. "my brother is in hospital," lucy said. 6."l haven't heard from michael for quite some time, " paul said 7. "we won the final match," charlie said. 8. "i'd like to go to summer camp," john said. 9. "they're getting married in the spring, " patty said 10. "you can visit us whenever you like," mary said.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. jill said it was so chilly that evening.2. diana suggested to  meet at the train station at 7: 00.  3. sue said they were going away on holiday the following week.4. tom said anthony had been late that morning.5. lucy said her  brother was in hospital.  6. paul said he hadn't heard from michael for quite some time.  7. charlie said they had won the final match.  8. john said he'd like to go to summer camp.9. patty said they were getting married in the spring.10. mary said we  could visit them whenever we liked.

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