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Прочитайте текст и поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужной видо-временной форме. civil servants (1. be) servants of the crown. in effect, this (2. mean) the government of the united kingdom, the scottish executive and the national assembly for wales. executive powers (3. exercise) generally by ministers of the crown, who (4. be) in turn answerable to the appro¬priate parliament or assembly. the civil service as such (5. have) no separate constitutional personality or responsibility. the duty of the in¬dividual civil servant (6. be) first and foremost to the minister in charge of the department in which he or she (7. serve). a change of minister, for whatever reason, (8. not, involve) a change of staff. the civil service code, introduced in 1996, (9. be) a concise state¬ment of the role and responsibilities of civil servants. it (10. revise) in 1999 to take account of devolution. the code (11. include) an inde¬pendent line of appeal to the civil service commissioners on alleged breaches of the code. as minister for the civil service, the prime minister (12. be) re¬sponsible for central co-ordination and management of the civil service. he (13. support) by the head of the home civil service, who (14. chair) the civil service management board. the cabinet office (15. oversee) the central framework for management of the civil service.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. are

2. means

3.  exercise (are exercising)

4. are

5. has

6. is

7. serves

8. doesn't involve

9. is

10. was revised

11. includes

12. is

13. supported


15. oversees

1. the letters will be posted when  the ship arrives at the port

2. videos like this are bought everywhere

3. the flowers are watered every day

4. the window was broken last night

5. potatoes were brought  to spain from south america by    christopher columbus

6. cheese is made from milk

7. the battle was fought in 1941

8. australia was explored    in the 18th century by europeans

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