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Переведите на , употребляя глаголы в форме past perfect или past simple 1. я неожиданно вспомнил, что забыл позвонить маме. 2. он не знал, кто послал ему это письмо. 3. сестра сказала мне, что посмотрела интересный фильм. 4. он открыл глаза и увидел, что солнце уже взошло. 5. пациент умер до того, как доктор осмотрел его. 6. где она училась до того, как пришла работать в ваш офис? 7. я закончил переводить статью до семи часов. 8. он не заметил, что забыл часы. 9. мы не знали, что она звонила поздно. 10. моя племянница была счастлива, что получила такой хороший подарок.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. suddenly  i   remembered that i had forgotten to phone my mother.

2. he did not know who had sent him the letter.3. my sister told me that she had watced an interesting film.4. he opened his eyes and saw that the sun had already risen.5. the patient had died before the doctor examined him.6. where had she studied before she came to work to your office? 7. i had finished to translate the article by seven o'clock.8. he did not notice that he had   forgotten his watch.9. we did not know that she had phoned late.10. my niece was happy that she had got such a nice gift.

His name was max payne. he was a police officer in his middle thirties. he was rather tall with blue eyes and short black hair. he lived in new york with his family.  but one day he came home and found his family murdered. he swore that he would find the culprit. that's how his story began.

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