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a town or my dream is a perfect place for living.

it is not big.

  it is very clean and beautiful.

  there are a lot of trees and flowers.

all buildings are bright and pretty.

  it has great weather conditions all year round.

  there should be neither crime nor any violence there.

only good and kind people can reside in this town.

life is easier and nicer because everyone is loving and understanding.

in the town of my dreams people  live in peace and quiet.

there are excellent roads, cheap stores, many beautiful parks and playgrounds for kids.

there are also   several entertainment centers .

older people are respected and taken care of.

there are   no homeless animals there.

people are happy there. 

Ну, распиши о том, что ты гордишься красноярской флорой и фауной: какие в красноярском крае обширные леса, поля, луга, как много разновидностей животного мира. о том как ты гордишься развиваемостью красноярска, что в нём каждый год проводится всё больше развлечений: концерты, фестивали. что красноярский край всё больше стал местом посещения изветных звёст: актёры, певцы( привиди несколько примеров)- напиши как ты этим гордишься.  ну и придумай ещё что нибудь : )-well, paint that you are proud of krasnoyarsk flora and fauna: what extensive woods, fields, meadows in krasnoyarsk krai as there are a lot of kinds of fauna. about that as you are proud of a razvivayemost of krasnoyarsk that in it every year is carried out more and more entertainments: concerts, festivals. that krasnoyarsk krai became more increasing a visit place the izvetnykh zvyost: actors, singers (give some examples) - write as you are proud of it. well also think up still something : )

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