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С! a rewrite the sentences in the passive beginning with the words given. leave out the doer of the action if not necessary. 0 the director has cancelled the meeting. the meeting has been cancelled (by the director) . 1 lawrence ferlinghetii opened the oldest paperback book store in the united states in 1953. the oldest paperback book store in the united states . 2 the police are interviewing him in connection with the armed robbery. he . 3 more than a billion people all over the world speak english. english . 4 they will officially announce their engagement tomorrow. their engagement . 5 tom is not going to invite me to his party. i 6 our physical education teacher can make a good basketball player of every pupil. every pupil

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1lawrence ferlinghetti opened the oldest paperback book store in the united states in 1953.the oldest paperback book store in the united states was opened in 1953 (by    lawrence ferlinghetti). 2 the police are interviewing him in connection with the armed robbery.he is interviewed  in connection with the armed robbery (by  the police). 3 more than a billion people all over the world speak english.english is spoken  all over the world (by more than a billion people). 4 they will officially announce their engagement tomorrow.their engagement will be  officially announced tomorrow. 5 tom is not going to invite me to his party.i'm not going to be invited to the party (by tom). 6 our physical education teacher can make a good basketball player of every pupil.every pupil can be made a good basketball player (by our physical education teacher).      

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