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Перевести предложения в страдательный залог! 1.her daughters gave her three dishes as a birthday present. 2.tom gave nick a book for his birthday. 3.our mother tells us children stories every evening. 4.ludiq will show you a new book of pictures. 5.a boy showed her the way. 6.they will send us a box of fruit. 7.five or six small children followed them. 8.ivan susanin led the poles into the thickest part of the forest. 9.they, water the flowers regularly.

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1.three dishes were given to her as a birthday present by daughters . 2. a book was given to nick for his birthday by tom. 3. children stories are told every evening by our mother. 4. a new book of pictures will shown by ludiq. 5. the way was shown by boy. 6. a box of fruit will sent us by them. 7. they were followed by five or six small children. 8.the poles were led into the thickest part of the forest by ivan susanin. 9.the flowers are watered regularly by them.

Tiny didn't write songs for pop-singers last year.

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